Education & Upcoming Events
We are passionate about helping dentists treat children for airway in their practice which is why we are offering multiple events to help you implement pediatric airway in your practice today.
Past Events
Pediatric Dental Sleep Medicine w/ Doctor Michelle Weddle
Part of recognizing airway issues in our pediatric patient population is understanding where their airway issues may fall on the sleep disordered breathing spectrum. In this master class, we will review the physiology and pathophysiology of pediatric sleep breathing disorders and how this affects your management of the patient as well as the dialogue with the parents and other healthcare providers in your airway team.
- Go over pathophysiology of airway and sleep disordered breathing in kids.
- Understand AHI and how it affects the diagnosis of OSA.
- Understand how the “objective” data that we rely on actually have some subjectivity
- How to prepare the parent for the results so that your credibility as a dentist and healthcare provider in the airway team is not compromised when the physician says “there’s no OSA, your child is fine.”
- Ways in which to use the results in your decision-making and treatment management process

Treating children Under 10 with obstructive sleep disordered breathing w/ Dr. Tracey
- Participants will recognize the most common medical conditions with comorbidities with children suffering from obstructive sleep disordered breathing
- Discuss the goals of dental airway management and how to develop an interdisciplinary teeth
- Review of the current treatment options for children under 10

The Role of the Dentist in Pediatric Airway w/ Dr. Stacy
By the end of this lecture, you will understand:
- How to identify children struggling with airway and craniofacial growth/development issues
- How to identify the co-morbidities of airway issues in children
- The non-anatomical and nutritional deficiencies that are sabotaging sleep in both children and adults today
You will have access to FREE screening/data collection and blood screening tools at the end of the lecture.
Grab your coffee....pull up a chair....and let's talk about helping these kids!